Saturday, April 28, 2012

Preserving History for Tomorrow

If you are an Alberta quilter, I encourage you to participate in the Alberta Quilt Project.  Curator Lucie Heins has earlier this year lectured on her findings about what quilters are doing in Alberta today, but she is still collecting data.  You can participate by filling out a questionnaire and your contribution to the culture of quilting will be documented and help this amazing project.  Go to the link HERE and scroll down to Alberta Quilt Project to learn more.  I just completed my questionnaire today, having learned of the project last weekend and I'm excited about doing my little part.


  1. How is it that I didn't know you were Canadian? And now that you changed your pic I can see that you have 6 children (all boys?)! Wow, you are a busy mom! I have 5 children (2 boys, 3 girls) and live in BC.

    1. :). I guess we have few things in common! Nice to "meet" you and thanks for following me!


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