I finished a commissioned quilt today for my friend's little boy! I'm really happy with how it turned out, especially with my first experience machine binding a bed sized quilt! I always believed in the nobility of my walking foot, and used that to sew my binding to the front of quilts and I hand sewed to the back. However, I have noticed that here is where a thread is often likely to pop. And especially with a quilt that will undergo use by a little boy, I thought I should entertain the idea of machine binding some of my quilts. I had seen a post somewhere about a dual feed edge stitch foot and the benefits of using one on machine binding. I do have an edge stitch foot, but was afraid of losing the feeding action of the walking foot. Well, I tried it and am happy to report that it worked BRILLIANTLY. I couldn't be happier (or have finished faster!) with my new little best friend. I still like the look of hand sewn, but this is a great method and one I have confidence in for a quilt I am sending out to someone!

Here is my little friend in action.

And here is her work. The blue fabrics are on the back and the yellow is on the front.

There are several tutorials on the internet of how to machine bind a quilt, this one by Crazy Mom Quilts describes exactly the method I used for mine. And here is the back of the quilt!

I wonder what my friend will say when I tell her I've decided to keep the quilt for myself? ;)